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Rarity Auto has redefined the automotive industry.
Say hello to your personal Carcierge.
Since the year 2020, our team set out to mitigate any and all inconveniences associated with car ownership. We have simplified everything from basic upkeep and maintenance to catastrophic damages and unfortunate loses.
Your dedicated Carcierge service advisor can help you with things like getting you into a new car, ensuring your car is regularly maintained, desired modifications, accident assistance including free towing & claim deductible coverage, lemon law, and so much more!
The best part? Carcierge is free! (terms apply)
How are we able to do all of this for you? Problems you may be experiencing that we cannot directly solve in-house are solved by one of our many thoroughly vetted network professionals. We require all individuals and businesses to hold the necessary licensing, permits and insurance to legally and professionally perform their job. Aside from the technicalities, results are just as important and are held to a level of standard that must be maintained.
Talk to a Carcierge service advisor today!
Network applications are being accepted for local and out of state individuals and businesses.
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